LCMF 2024
13 December:
Actually sorry
Hackney Church

Excerpts from this concert will be available to listen to on BBC Radio 3’s New Music Show until 26 January 2025
Yves Klein
Monotone-Silence Symphony (1947/1961)
Dengbêj Ali Tekbaş / Murat Savaş
Maggie Nicols
Our Wits About Us (2024)
(world premiere)(LCMF Orchestra commission)
Lisa Streich
KIND (2024)
(UK premiere)
Laurence Crane
Composition for Orchestra no.5 ‘In Hackney’ (2024)
(world premiere)(LCMF Orchestra commission)
Matt Copson
(world premiere) (LCMF commission)
Sofia Jernberg
The murals in Quinta del Sordo (2024)
(world premiere)(LCMF Orchestra commission)
Fox Maxy
(London premiere screening)
Yoko Ono
(UK premiere)
Edward Henderson
Gag (2024)
Composed for and with Tara Cunningham, Gwen Reed and Theo Guttenplan
(world premiere)(LCMF commission)
Jack Sheen conductor
LCMF Orchestra (Nicols, Crane, Jernberg, Klein, Ono)
Dengbêj Ali Tekbaş vocals
Murat Savaş duduk
Tara Cunningham guitar (Henderson)
Gwen Reed bass and voice (Henderson)
Theo Guttenplan drums (Henderson)
Edward Henderson piano
Jacob Kellermann guitar (Streich)
‘Yves [Klein] was trying to nourish us with these ideas [he’d brought from the Lettrists in Paris]. And we began to speak in nonsense syllables on the beach. Arman [Éliane Radigue’s husband] said the idea to make a simple tone was mine, but I’m not so sure. The thing I am sure about is that it was my idea to harmonize the voices – to have everyone in their own register. So, we did the first monotone symphony on the beach, in a certain sense. For me, it was a game – nothing more. But Yves found it very interesting and asked me to write it down for him.’
— interview with Éliane Radigue in Purple Magazine, May 2019
Tonight we hear the fruits of this 1954 seaside visit: Yves Klein’s Monotone-Silence Symphony (1947/1961). The work – 20 minutes of D major, followed by 20 minutes of silence – marks the birth of a new type of music. Radigue described it as an ‘architecture of the air’.
One of the special duties of the trickster – who presides over this year’s festival – is to recover and reintroduce what’s been excluded. To ‘enliven the gods that have been deadened by their own purity’ (Lewis Hyde’s Trickster Makes This World). Think of the way the Yoruba trickster god Èsù slips into heaven and gets the creator Obatalá drunk.
LCMF Orchestra is no different. Out on the razz with the orchestral form this year are the sly experimentalist Laurence Crane, the virtuosic vocalist-composer Sofia Jernberg and improviser extraordinaire Maggie Nicols. The result is three collisions of form and thought and philosophical approach.
In Our Wits About Us, by Nicols, we navigate intuition, deep listening, the demands of group self-regulation and autonomy: musicians’ eyes tightly shut, ears alert, mind alive to story. This is orchestral form as water tension – sound, word, constantly on the edge of breaking out, rippling and cannoning. In Crane’s Composition for Orchestra no.5 ‘In Hackney’, meanwhile, a Haydnesque concision of means plays out: a precision-engineered collision of environments, collective action, pure sound, fleeting melody – all in wry Cranian fashion.
Both in the Crane and in Jernberg’s The murals in Quinta del Sordo, we get a tripwiring of the canon. In Jernberg we promenade through a modern-day Pictures at an Exhibition, Goya’s Black Paintings as our alarming guide. Here, the trickster thief emerges: the scavenger, the forager, unsettling the claims of truth and property.
Look up to catch Yoko Ono’s WALL PIECE FOR ORCHESTRA to Yoko Ono (1962) or you’ll miss it. Ono, Klein and Radigue (a major new commission from whom we will hear on 17 Januart at Wigmore Hall) are the archetypal tricksters, gatekeepers to indelible new realms that you never knew existed. But the pure play that defines what they have to offer can only flourish in the presence of its opposite: seriousness, obstinacy, a commitment to the bit.
Another order of obstinacy and seriousness of purpose is behind the survival of the Kurdish art of dengbêj-singing. At several points in the 20th century the Turkish state tried to wipe out this ancient bardic tradition, in which was encoded an entire culture. Modernity and globalisation haven’t been much better for the dengbêjis. But it’s hard to extinguish a form so irrepressible, one that slips so hypnotically between so many modes, hovering between speech and song, in constant timbral tumult, fragile, intensely expressive, a form of folk sprechstimme.
The original wily bard was Odysseus – great-grandson of trickster god Hermes. Listen tonight to one of the young dengbêj masters, Ali Tekbaş, who will present two wedding verses, an epic, Cembelî Kurê Mîrê Hekaryan, and a ballad, Dewrêsê Evdî, accompanied by Murat Savaş on duduk. Could this be the sound-world Homer had in mind for his wandering poet?
There’s a fragility to the meandering mythical tricksters. Coyote’s impulsiveness drags death into man’s orbit for the first time. Trickster’s world is full of accidents, empty of eternals, anti-idealistic. Between our larger orchestral collisions, we present two cracked fragments: the London premiere of Fox Maxy’s kaleidoscopic collage F1ghting Looks Different 2 Me Now (2022), and the UK premiere of Lisa Streich’s KIND, for the solo guitar of Jacob Kellermann:
‘Instruments come in various sizes and shapes, often reminding me of animals or humans. The guitar is about the size of a small child and lies as if sleeping on the guitarist’s lap. The guitarist’s hands play the notes, the lines, the melodies – possible dreams of the sleeping child – at the child’s head height … I recall Liszt’s Sonetto 104 del Petrarca. In a masterclass, I learned to inwardly sing along with the main motif, ‘Ach Du mein liebes Kind’ (‘Ah, my dear child’). The idea of KIND revolves around this internal
singing.’ — Lisa Streich
Following the third of Matt Copson’s four mysterious phone calls, created specially for LCMF – and Ono’s balcony action – we find ourselves confronted with a band in Edward Henderson’s new Gag:
‘The band are free improvisors or play in rock bands and I’ve composed this piece with them and on them and through them. Gag has three sort-of sections that I have been calling with the band “Radigue”, “Pink Floyd” and “Rameau”. The beginning is my guess at what Éliane Radigue would make if she was writing for an indie band. “Pink Floyd” is pretty self explanatory, this section feels like ecstatic, collapsing prog rock to me. I had a draft of the piece ready to go in September but the feedback I got from a few people was that the end wasn’t “giving” (as the young people say) and I made a new end. This took the form of a kind of pseudo French Baroque unmeasured harpsichord piece like the ones by Rameau and Couperin, using chords I had in my notebook for a song that I never wrote. This is on the piano, while Theo strokes his drumkit which sounds/feels a bit like being in bed with a lover (a relic from the now excised section referred to as “bed”).’
And to end, that familiar LCMF mix of euphoria and cataclysm, as club music’s biggest trolls, rave hooligans EVOL, curse us with a rare UK appearance on Friday 13th.