LCMF 2018
Serpentine Galleries
1 Dec: The Shape of a Circle in the Mind of a Fish
Ambika P3

3 – 6pm
Jenna Sutela nimiia vibié (video, 2018)
Phoebe Tickell, Entangled, networked and blurred boundaries: symbiogenesis as successful organising pattern of life
Sabine Hauert Swarm Engineering Across Scales
Germain Meulemans with Anaïs Tondeur An Alchemy of Soils
Hannah Landecker Outside In: Microbiomes, Epigenomes, Visceral Sensing, and Metabolic Ethics
Panel with Sabine Hauert, Hannah Landecker, Germain Meulemans, Phoebe Tickell and Anaïs Tondeur.
Respondent: Heather Barnett.
Moderators: Lucia Pietroiusti and Filipa Ramos
6.20 – 8.20pm
Sophia Al-Maria Mothership (video, 2017, 3’)
Annea Lockwood Tiger Balm (stereo tape, 1970, 19’)
Daisy Hildyard Do I Contradict Myself? The Experience of Being more than Individual
Leah Kelly Chimera and Mirror: Identity at the Bench
Panel with Daisy Hildyard and Leah Kelly. Respondent: Heather Barnett.
Moderators: Filipa Ramos and Lucia Pietroiusti
Jenna Sutela nimiia vibié (video, 2018)
8.40 – 10pm
Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing with Gruff Theatre Golden Snail Opera (performance, 2016, 50’)
Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing in conversation with Lucia Pietroiusti and Filipa Ramos
Teaming up with LCMF 2018, the Serpentine Galleries present the second instalment of their year-long ecological symposium and research project. Part of the gallery’s General Ecology project, this day of talks, performances and music will feature anthropologists, artists, robotics experts, historians and more, to address interior multitude, swarming organisms, entanglements, pregnancies, endosymbiosis, microchimerism and metamorphosis — across vegetal, human, artificial, non-human animal and mineral beings
Participants include: artist Sophia Al-Maria, swarm robotics engineer Sabine Hauert, science historian and writer Daisy Hildyard, neuroscientist Leah Kelly, science sociologist Hannah Landecker, anthropologist Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing, anthropologist Germain Meulemans, biological systems scientist and network architect Phoebe Tickell, artist Jenna Sutela, composer and sound artist Annea Lockwood and more.
The Shape of a Circle in the Mind of a Fish is curated by writer and editor Filipa Ramos and Lucia Pietroiusti, Curator (General Ecology), Serpentine Galleries. Advisors include artist Pierre Huyghe, anthropologist Tim Ingold, LCMF artistic director Igor Toronyi-Lalic, artist Katharine Vega and Serpentine CTO Ben Vickers.